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Effective January 1, 2023
Full Day - (more than 5 hours)
$30 per day
10 visit prepaid $290
20 visit prepaid $560

Half Day – (1-5 hours)
$23 per day
10 visit prepaid $220
20 visit prepaid $420

NOLA Bark Market

3041 N. Rampart St.
New Orleans, LA 70117
Phone: 504-949-1525


Facebook: Nola Bark Market

Doggie Daycare

Daycare is a great option for socialized dogs who needs a bit of supervised exercise and stimulation during the day. Our daycare provides fun, physical activity, mental stimulation and positive socialization. All dogs are temperament tested prior to entering our day care, and will be grouped with dogs of similar size and/or temperament.

Dogs are engaged in structured play with the staff, socialization in groups, outdoor play time in our designated smaller play yard, and nap time. We want your dog to be excited to come to daycare, and to be happy and tired out both mentally and physically when they go home!

We try to avoid the more traditional haphazard method of play as dogs tend to lose the skills they learned in training and pick up and practice unwanted behaviors. We believe in reinforcement of positive behaviors and habits. We encourage one-on-one training not to jump up on people or start “demand barking” while at daycare.

We do not practice breed discrimination, but there is a zero-aggression tolerance. Any pet that we feel may cause harm to themselves, another pet or staff member will not be accepted into our program. All dogs will be temperament tested before acceptance into the daycare.

If you're interested in NOLA Bark Market Daycare for your pet, drop by and fill out a behavior questionnaire. If your pet clears the initial stage, we can set up a supervised evaluation to make sure your pet would be a good fit for our group, and vice versa. Rates are discounted when purchased in a package. Additional dogs must be from same family.

Download Questionairre/Application



6:30 to 7:00
Early Bird drop off
Early bird pups get to enjoy the large play yard before the park opens

7:00 to 9:30
Regular Drop off
Daycare begins! The dogs are separated into smaller playgroups for romping and playing.

9:30 to noon
Play time
Dogs will continue to play, although groups will move to 2-3 different areas for organized group play.

Noon to 2:00
Snuggle and nap time

2:00 to 4:30
More play time!!
Afternoon play is usually slightly less spirited. We use this calmer time to practice a little agility or basic commands. As always, plenty of enriching toys and activities are available to satisfy each of our guests.

4:30 to 7:00
Evening pick-up

7:00 to 9:30
Training classes, Doggie Social Hour Events